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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cost center reposting

Could you help me out?
We use FI, CO-CCA, PCA
We posted expense account without creating cost element.
The cost did not go to CCA, PCA.
We tried to reverse the document but could do it because the cost element were created afterward and already booking were made.
(we can not delete the cost element)

In this case, how can i successfully transfer cost to CCA, PCA?


additional info
I want to do the one of the following

1. reverse the FI document (post FI document with cost center later)
2. add the cost center info to the document and run T-cd OKBA (transfer
with FI)
3. upload the cost directly to CCA, PCA module

I can not find solution for any of the above bacause

1. cost element exists and SAP says "CO object is requred" I also can not delete cost element because dependent record exists on the cost element.

2. changing cost center field is not allowed in FI document once it is posted

3. I tried KAFD but i dont find the correct usage.


May I suggest the following:

For the transaction posted prior to creating a cost element - post a EC-PCA direct entry using the profit centre linked to the cost centre that you meant to post it to. Then FI and CO will go back into synch.


>For the transaction posted prior to creating a cost element - post a EC->PCA direct entry using the profit centre linked to the cost centre that you >meant to post it to. Then FI and CO will go back into synch.

Thank for your reply.

>post a EC->PCA direct entry using the profit centre

What is the transaction code for it?


Sorry I do not have access to an SAP system at the moment since I am on holiday for a few days and I am normally not good with transaction codes. But please try a menu path similar to below:

EC-PCA > Actual Postings (I think) > Direct PCA postings (I think).

Pick a profile which either enables posting in Controlling Area Currency or there are also profiles which enables postings in company code currency (by selecting the appropriate currency code). You can post to P&L and balance sheet accounts and pick any profit centre in the controlling area. The document must balance similar to FI and a '+' is a debit and a '-' (trailing minus is what I tend to do) is a credit.

Sorry if the menu path is not exact, but I am writing this from memory I am afraid. But if you look in EC-PCA Actual posting options you should find it. We used this as a part of the the month end business processes on my last project.

Goodluck. Hope you area able to fix the missing CO transaction with this.



Your advise is sufficient. CO data is now in PCA.
CO data is still missing in CCA though. We can live with it.

But if CCA also need same figure, what can we do?

anyhow, thanks

from Humid Tokyo


Unfortunately I don't think its possible to do direct bookings into CO-CCA. Therefore, the EC-PCA is really a workaround to get overall FI and CO back into balance and synchronised. The correction posting in EC-PCA will not appear in CO-CCA against a cost centre.

It is quite tricky when there are postings without a cost element and there are some with a cost element. A key point to highlight for the future is that as part of the business process and internal controls, creation of a new GL P&L account should then result in the creation of the relevant cost or revenue element part of the process. Otherwise as you have noticed difficulties will occur later on.


Any t-cd, program, BAPI can do data upload to CCA?


I am not sure whether there is a BAPI for cost centre uploads. If you type transaction BAPI and check whether one exists. For cost centres I have normally got an ABAP written using a standard BDC data tranfer.

There is a BAPI for profit centre upload (BAPI_PROFITCENTRE_CREATE (I think)) and infact in 4.6 you have to use this BAPI rather than a BDC since with the new object oriented SAP GUI screen control is no longer supported for certain profit centre create screens such as the company code assignment screen.


I don't understand a word...

A posting to a P&L (expense) account will always go to PCA regardless of whether it (account) has been created as a cost element or not. This is true for all releases of R/3. Therefore the good advise to make direct postings to PCA might have technically worked but instead of fixing the problem it just added another one.
By the way: have you checked your postings to the dummy profit center?

Now to the second problem: CCA. There is a way to retroactively transfer document from financial accounting (amongst others). You'll find that option in the IMG under general controlling/production start-up/follow-up posting.

However, don't use it! It is not especially dangerous or difficult to use. Still it is a function intended for at least moderatly experienced users. You obviously are not in that category.

Another option would be to use transaction KB11N (manual reposting of costs). Example: for the following FI posting

DB 100 account ddd
CR 100 account ccc

Enter in KB11N:

DB 100 cost element ddd cost center cd
CR 100 cost element ddd cost center dummy
CR 100 cost element ccc cost center cc
DB 100 cost element ccc cost center dummy.

As seen in the example, you would need an auxiliary (dummy) cost center. Postings to that dummy cost center would balance out; you can ignore it later on.

Yet, don't use KB11N either! Get professional help instead! On the other hand, if you were just jidding around with some kind of sandbox system and if your problem is not related to a production system, you may ignore my warnings.

Happy postings!


Could you help me out?
We use FI, CO-CCA, PCA
We posted expense account without creating cost element.
The cost did not go to CCA, PCA.
We tried to reverse the document but could do it because the cost element were created afterward and already booking were made.
(we can not delete the cost element)


Please read the note 98520 "Posting FI doc.subsequently w/o acct assgnmnt to CO". It has some links to other useful notes, it helps.

The OSS note and more technical solutions in mails above are of course good and excellent suggestions and options.

However an alternative is to use the direct posting into PCA and if the original incorrect posting has ended up in the dummy profit centre you can either ignore this booking or alternatively reverse the dummy profit centre posting which originally took place using the direct PCA entry option. The contra entry for the reversal of the P&L expense account can be a balance sheet account which you do not report out of PCA.

There are apparently therefore, several options to select from to correct this error.

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