How to reset Asset Data?
You can reset the entire AA data from Img->FA-> AA-> Preparing for production startup ->Tools -> Reset
company code.
This will reset only the asset accounting data from the company code. But before you perform this you have to make sure that you reverse all the transaction you have posted and have gone to the FI. As this reset will not effect FI GL data.
You can then reset the depreciation posted and then the recon accounts.
When you reset the recon accounts, it will enable you to post directly to the account like normal GL. Then you have to post JV and rectify you GL(recon account).
Then upload the correct data. After the data is uploaded set the recon accounts. this will reconcile the amount with the assets and activate the company code (in asset area). *-- Lakshmi
Mass change for assets
I am experiencing problems in OA02, Asset Mass Change. I am using 4.6C.
What happened was that I created the Substitution, then created the Step, and I then SAVED. I am not sure if I need to create a RULE or not. I have already defined in a STEP, (using Formula Builder) that most assets belonging to a certain asset class, 9011 with a current Cost centre, Z01, are to be assigned to another Cost Centre Z02, within the same Co.
Code. I then saved the Substitution, although I noticed that there was a "?" icon next to the RULES folder. I am well aware that for Time Dependent Data, we would need to specify a "Valid From" date. (ADATU, in Table ANLZ) But, do we need to specify a "Valid To" date as well ?
My data is like this.....
PREREQUISITES: Asset Class =3D '9011'
SUBSTITUTION: Valid From is substituted by Constant '19.08.2001'
Cost Centre is substituted by Constant 'ZB02'
If I need to create a Rule, What would I need to enter ? I then created a WorkList, and assigned the Substitution to it. After this, I generated the Worklist in Background using AR31. Everything seems ok, but when I check the Assets, I still see the old Cost Centre, NOT the New Cost Centre.
Rules are not required. You get a ? because you probably started to create one and did not finish.
For a Cost centre mass change, if you want to have it time dependent, you must specify 'valid from' and 'valid to' in the substitution rule. In config you determine if you want to use the time dependency or not (default is : Yes)
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