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Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to Refresh SAP screen after certain action using SAP ABAP?

I have a screen with a table in it (generated with the screen painter) that shows records from a database table. The screen also has a button, which shows a popup when it's clicked. The popup has a form to add a record to the database table.
When the form is submitted the record is added to the database, but when the popup is closed, the screen that shows the database records isn't refreshed. The new record isn't shown. Any ideas how I could make the table refresh? Simply calling the screen again doesn't seem to work..
You have to make sure that the data that you want to display is actually in the internal table that is displayed by the screen.
  • You can reread the database table or
  • append the line generated by the pop-up form to the internal table (If the line types aren't identical you will have to move the fields to a similar structure first).
If the internal table has all the data, but it still does not display in the table control, make sure that the field in the table control that has the number of lines is updated to reflect the extra line.

Friday, December 30, 2011

How to Change parameter name on screen in SAP ABAP?

I'm trying to replace the parameter name when it is showed in the screen. Any ideas how this is done? For example when I have:
PARAMETERS pa_age TYPE age_type DEFAULT '18'.
It shows pa_age on the screen. I want to change it to How old are you? or something. Any ideas?
Via menu Goto->Text Elements->Selection Text.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

SAP ABAP Issue:how to make select option with todays date as default?

I'm trying to show todays date as the default value in a select date.
select-OPTIONS: so_date FOR sy-datlo.

so_date-sign = 'I'.
so_date-option = 'BT'.
so_date-low = sy-datum.
so_date-high = sy-datum.
APPEND so_date.
This isn't working though. Any ideas?
You must set the value before START-OF_SELECTION:
select-OPTIONS: so_date FOR sy-datlo.

  so_date-sign = 'I'.
  so_date-option = 'EQ'.
  so_date-low = sy-datum.
  CLEAR so_date-high.
  APPEND so_date.
Did you try the easy version:
select-OPTIONS: so_date FOR sy-datlo default SY-DATUM.
I think it should work (can't test is actual).

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

SAP Certification questions on Project Implementation Tools

1. What is the IMG?
2. What is a project IMG?

SAP ABAP Issue: Where we can find the authority objects?

Any ideas where I can find a list of existing authority objects? I'm looking for the 'default' ones like S_CARRID.
Transaction SU21. The S_CARRID object is located inside the BC_C object class.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SAP Certification questions on SAP Overview

1. Explain the structure of the client/server framework.

SAP ABAP cProjects replication and Set task-level WBS

When creating a project in cProjects I am using BADI BADI DPR_FIN_GECCO_ATTR to manipulate the external WBS ID that is created in SAP PS.
SAP accepts the ID that I pass for the Phase level, but for the Task level SAP appends a string "/TTO" to the end of my WBS ID. Any idea why this happens and how I can get rid of it. The "/TTO" violates or masking structure in PS?

constants: lc_phase_id_ps type char30 value 'DPR_TV_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID_PS',
           lc_task_id_co  type char30 value 'DPR_TV_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID_CO'.

field-symbols:  type dpr_ts_project_ext,
                type dpr_ts_project_int,
                  type dpr_ts_phase_ext,
                  type dpr_ts_phase_int,
                   type dpr_ts_task_ext,
                   type dpr_ts_task_int,
                 type dpr_ts_iaom_object_attribute.

case ir_common->get_object_type( ).
  when cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_project.
    "not doing anything with this data yet
    assign ir_project_ext->* to .
    assign ir_project_int->* to .  

  when cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_phase.
    assign ir_attributes_ext->* to .
    assign ir_attributes_int->* to .
    read table ct_attributes assigning 
      with key data_element = lc_phase_id_ps.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      -value = -phase_id.  "something like Z/001-001

  when cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_task.
    assign ir_attributes_ext->* to .
    assign ir_attributes_int->* to .
    read table ct_attributes assigning 
      with key data_element = lc_task_id_co.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
      -value = -search_field.  "something like Z/001-001-001
      "sometime after this badi call it is changed to Z/001-001-001/TTO
I have found the spot where SAP changes the WBS:
In Class CL_IM_CPRO_PROJECT_LABEL method IF_EX_GCC_PS_PROJECT_LABEL~GET_WBS_ELEMENT there is the following logic:
if lv_object_type_co ne 'DPO'.
  read table attributes_of_ext_obj
       into ls_attribute
       with key data_element = 'DPR_TV_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID_CO'.
  if sy-subrc = 0.
    if lv_object_type_co eq 'TTO' or     "Aufgabe            "H860739
       lv_object_type_co eq 'ITO'.       "Checklistenpunkt   "H860739
      concatenate ls_attribute-value                         "H860739 
                  lv_object_type_co                          "H860739
                  into ls_value.         "<<==Here it is     "H860739
      wbs_element = ls_value.                                "H860739
    else.                                                    "H860739
      wbs_element = ls_attribute-value.
    endif.                                                   "H860739
    message e013(iaom_cprojects)
      raising error_occurred.
  "... Code removed


Monday, December 26, 2011

SAP ABAP Issue: modal-dialog-box not working

I'm trying to call a screen as a popup. The screen type is set to Modal dialog box and I'm able to call the screen, but unable to close it. Nothing happens when I click on the little cross. The next screen is set to 0.
The screen I'm calling as a popup, doesn't contain any buttons, not any hard coded ones anyway. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I'd also like the screen it returns to, to be refreshed (so it loads the PBO again). How do I do that?


MODULE werkende_knoppen_subscreen INPUT.
  CASE ok_code.
    WHEN 'X'.
You should be checking for the 'EXIT' (or, in your case for the custom close button, 'X') user command in the PAI part of your popup. For example:
MODULE user_command_0010 INPUT.
  ok = sy-ucomm.
  CLEAR sy-ucomm.
  CASE ok.
    WHEN 'EXIT' OR 'X'.

SAP ABAP Issue: Is there a any way to find the customizing request number for a given record at a maintenance view?

In ABAP we can check the latest workbench request assigned to a given code from Utilities->Versions->Version Management menu.
Is there any similar feature to check which is the customizing request for a given record at a maintenance view (SM30) ?
ps. of course, considering that the transparent table for that given record have the delivery class E, or C, that needs the customizing request to allow the user to insert or remove the record.


The table entries are transported as R3TR TABU or R3TR VDAT entries, while maintained via SM30. You can find these using function "Search for Objects in Request/Task", which you can find in transactions SE03 or SE09 (as described by Esti). - This way you can find all requests and tasks, which contain any entry from the table or view.
Alternatively you can look directly into DB table to find particular record directly.
You can do it following way:
  1. start transaction SE16
  2. enter the table name E071K
  3. field OBJNAME is your table
  4. field TABKEY contains the key of the record
  5. execute the selection
  6. field TRKORR then contains the request or task you are looking for...
Keep in mind that client-dependent tables start with client, and the key is concatenation of all the fields and it can contain * (star).
Example: for instance the record for company code DE01 in client 055 in table T001 has the tabkey value
For table T001E, to transport all the entries of company code DE01 it would be then

SAP ABAP Cost centre and work order report issue

Im very new to abap and i was assigned to do a report on all work orders related to a cost center.Can any sap guru explain how are cost center related to work orders with the related tables.Thank you in advance.


I will teach you how to fish, but I will not feed you.
Basically a report like this will be simple in terms of ABAP skill, that is until your asked to do something more than just pick out work orders based on Cost Center.
Internal Orders or Work Orders are all Cost Center related. Each work order created has an assigned cost center and can be found in the following tables and structure.
COEP Controlling Object: Line Items by period. This will have your Order number, item and also Cost Center.
COEJ Controlling Object: Line Items by year. This will have the same by Year.
This is a start. You can also use t-code IW39 to pull up a Work Order. Then place the cursor on the field you have in question and hit F1, then in the dialog box choose the Technical Content Icon (Wrench/Hammer). That will bring you to the technical description of the field and will have table name etc...
Happy fishing, come back with more questions after you have had a chance to look at what I gave you. Also, give us some more info on your configuration.. Do you run PM?

Monday, December 19, 2011

SAP Internal Order Configuration steps

Define Order types

 Define Model orders

 Maintain Allocation structure

 Maintain Settlement profile

 Maintain number range for settlement documents

Sunday, December 18, 2011

SAP Product Costing Configuration steps

 Configuring the Costing  sheet for calculating overhead

 Configuring the Cost component structure

 Configuring the costing variant

 Configuration for mixed costing

 Configuration for joint product

 Configuration for Work in Process calculation

 Configuration for Variance calculation

 Configuration for settlement of variance

 Configuration for Product cost by period  - product cost collector and setting up of variance calculation

  Configuration for Product cost by sales order

Saturday, December 17, 2011

SAP Profit Center Configuration

 Maintain the profit center settings for Controlling area

 Creation of dummy profit center

 Creation of Standard hierarchy and creation of profit center master

 Configuring the transfer price settings

 Profit center planning configuration

 Configuring Distribution and Assessment cycle

 Configuring the 3KEH table (Balance sheet and profit and loss accounts)

Friday, December 16, 2011

SAP Profitability Analysis Configuration

Creating Characteristics and value fields

 Configuring the Operating concern

 Copying an Operating concern from an existing operating concern

 Maintain Characteristic values, defining characteristics hierarchy

 Defining Characteristic derivation

 Defining keys for accessing material cost estimate and assigning costing key to characteristics

 Planning configuration

 Maintaining value field groups

 Configuration for value flow from SD to PA

 Configuration for value flow form FI to PA

 Configuration for settlement of  Product costing variance to PA

 Creation of Profitability report

 Transporting customizing settings

Thursday, December 15, 2011

SAP Cost Center Configuration

Configuring the Controlling area

 Maintaining versions in Controlling area

 Configuring multiple valuation approaches/ Transfer prices

 Cost element accounting set up

 Reconciliation ledger configuration

 Setting Cost center Hierarchy, cost center master data, activity types

 Cost center planning which includes creating planner profile, creating planning layout

 Configuring various cycles such as Distribution. Assessment, Indirect Activity allocation

 Configuring Splitting structure

 Configuring Automatic account assignment (OKB9)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SAP Special Purpose Ledger configuration

Define Table Group

 Maintain Fiscal Year Variant

 Maintain Ledgers

 Maintain Local Posting Periods

 Maintain Actual Versions

 Maintain Valid Document types

 Maintain local number ranges

 Perform Diagnosis

 Entering an FI-SL document

 Define Libraries

 Define Report Painter Reports

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

SAP Asset Configuration (based on New GL)

    With the introduction of  SAP New GL  there is no longer a need to maintain different GL codes for different depreciation areas. The only requirement is to maintain for each reporting 2 additional depreciation areas i.e. one real depreciation area and second derived depreciation
     Configure Depreciation as above

     Assign target ledger group to the respective depreciation areas

     Wizard to set up Parallel Valuation.

Monday, December 12, 2011

SAP Asset Configuration

 Copying Chart of Depreciation

 Define Asset Classes

 Configuring account determination for Assets (Integration of Asset with GL)

 Deactivate Asset class for Chart of depreciation

 Configuring posting of depreciation

 Configuring the depreciation key

 Configuring asset classes for group assets

 Define/Assign Settlement profile

 Legacy Asset data transfer

Sunday, December 11, 2011

SAP AR & AP configuration

Define Account Groups for Customers and Vendors

 Define Accounting clerk

 Delete Customer and Vendor Master data

 Configuring Payment terms

 Configuring various automatic account determination

 Defining Tolerances

 Configuring Automatic Payment Program

 Special GL configuration for down payments from customer and vendors

 Configure  regrouping of Customers & vendors per remaining terms of receivables & payables


 Configuring calculation of Interest on arrears

Saturday, December 10, 2011

SAP Bank Configuration

 Define House Banks

 Electronic and Manual Bank statement configuration

 Check Deposit configuration

 Configuring Cash Journal

Friday, December 9, 2011

SAP Cost of Sales Accounting configuration

Cost of Sales accounting needs to be implemented in a manner which makes it more powerful to reconcile the FI and CO module and enable to do a fast close of month end activities.
This functionality needs to be implemented to find out balance on the following:-
 Process/Production orders not settled.
 Networks/WBS not settled
 Internal orders not settled.
 Plant Maintenance orders not settled.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

SAP Actual Costing & Material Ledger Configuration steps

 Configuring Material Ledger for Plants

 Configuring dynamic price changes

 Defining and assigning the material ledger update structure to plants

 Configuration of Actual costing and activation of actual cost component split

 Production start up activities in Material Ledger

SAP New GL configuration

 Define Ledgers for GL

 Define Currencies for Leading Ledger

 Define and Activate Non-Leading Ledger

 Assign Scenarios and Customer Fields to Ledgers

 Define Ledger Group

 Activate New GL Accounting

 Define Accounting principles and assign to ledger groups

 Define Variants for Real-time integration and assign to company code

 Define document number ranges for GL view (posting only to specific Ledger)

 Define document types for posting only to non leading ledgers

 Configuring document splitting

 Assigning Default profit center to accounts

 Define Worklist for exchange rate entry

 Assign Exchange rate to worklist

 Configuring Assessment and distribution in New GL

 Deactivate update of Classic GL

SAP GL configuration

Company Code configuration
Standard Line item text configuration
Complete GL configuration, defining chart of accounts, defining retained  earnings account
Validation & Substitution
Parallel currencies configuration
Taxes on Sales Purchase configuration
GL Automatic clearing configuration
Foreign currency valuation configuration
GR/IR Regrouping configuration
Financial Statement version configuration (Creating Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account)
FI - MM account determination configuration
FI - SD account determination configuration

SAP ABAP Smartform Print Problem

I am facing a strange issue while printing a smartform at the user location. There is a black box covering the entire lower portion of the page.In the smartform a window is placed at this position. When I delete the window and print it, the output is fine. I have checked the option of window shading color as well âs whatever color/no color I give, it doesn't make any difference.

This happens only in a certain type of printer at the user's location ând  everywhere else its fine.

Please give some pointers âs is this a printer fault or can something be changed in the smartform to solve this problem?

Ans : I think smart forms are some how printer specific, It is not a must that if tested on one printer it will work perfectly well on the other. I always face similar problems with logos coming upside down on some printers or being very faint etc.
so its usually a printer problem. Try changing the drivers of that printer especially to a lower version and see.
Your hardware team can help if not conversant

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Monday, October 31, 2011


sap fico tutorial

Friday, September 30, 2011

Balance sheet valuation

Balance sheet valuation:
You can valuate stocks for the balance sheet in two ways: Lowest value
determination according to current market prices (RMNIWE00) and lowest value
determination according to rate of movement/range of coverage (RMNIWE10/20).
You can use both methods separately (single-level procedure) or in combination
(multi-level procedure).

Thursday, September 29, 2011

standard procedure for posting procurement transactions in Financial Accounting

The three-step reconciliation is the standard procedure for posting procurement
transactions in Financial Accounting. The procedure involves the following three
• Purchase order
This is carried out exclusively in MM. No data is posted in Financial
• Goods receipt
To update the inventory, a material document is created in MM. At the same
time, a document is created in FI, which is used to post the value of the
goods to the material stock account or the consumption account (debit) and
to the goods receipt/invoice receipt account (credit).
• Invoice receipt
The vendor invoice is posted in MM and a document is created in FI at the
same time. This FI document contains the invoice amount that is posted to
the goods receipt/invoice receipt account (debit) and to the vendor account
The last two steps can be completed in reverse order, depending on the order in
which the goods and the invoice are received.
The goods receipt/invoice receipt account ensures that goods were received for
each invoice and vice versa.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cycle counting method:

Cycle counting method: This also involves a physical inventory count.
The material stocks are counted at regular intervals during the fiscal year.
The interval or cycle in which a material is counted depends on the cycle
counting indicator set for the material.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Periodic inventory method:

Periodic inventory method: All stocks are physically counted on the
balance sheet key date. Every material has to be counted on this date. During
the count, the entire warehouse is blocked from any material movements.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Continuous inventory method

Continuous inventory method: Stocks are counted throughout the entire
fiscal year. Every material has to be physically counted at least once during
the course of the year.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fixed Assets FICO Certification Example

Business Example
In preparation for year-end closing, you need to review the closing activities for
Asset Accounting.
For month-end closing, you need to execute a depreciation posting run to record
depreciation expenses for the current period and to post the results to the general

Task 1:
Carry out the following task.
1. Execute the “Fiscal Year Change” program for your company code AC## IN
TEST MODE only. Check the documentation that is displayed.
Hint: If the “Limitation online” message appears, choose “Yes”
to continue processing.

Task 2:
Process an unplanned depreciation run for the current period in your company
code. Check the effects of this closing process on your financial statements from
the general ledger.
1. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier to check the financial
statements (RFBILA00) before posting depreciation. At this point in time,
you will see the asset acquisition value only.
2. In a second session, execute an unplanned depreciation posting run for your
company code AC## for the current period. Execute the update run (deselect
the Test Run indicator). Use printer LP01.
Hint: Remember that you have to execute a depreciation posting run
in the background. Choose Immediate Processing.

Now take a look at the log and the documents for the depreciation run in
your company code AC## for the current period.
4. You use the Asset Explorer to check the depreciation (under Posted Values)
for the depreciation areas 01 (book depreciation) and 20 (cost accounting
5. Return to your original session to recreate the financial statements. Now
you will see the depreciation posting in the balance sheet (accumulated
depreciation) and in the P&L (ordinary depreciation).

Task 3:
Answer the following questions about year-end closing activities in Asset
1. Name the year-end activity that has to be performed within FI-AA in order
to be able to post to asset accounts in the new fiscal year. When should
this activity be performed?
2. Name the checks that are performed before the previous year is closed with
the year-end closing program in Asset Accounting.

Task 1:
Carry out the following task.
1. Execute the “Fiscal Year Change” program for your company code AC## IN
TEST MODE only. Check the documentation that is displayed.
Hint: If the “Limitation online” message appears, choose “Yes”
to continue processing.
a) Carry out the fiscal year change in test mode
Menu path for fiscal year change:
Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Periodic
Processing → Fiscal Year Change
Enter the following data:
Company code(s): AC##
New Fiscal Year: Current year + 1
Test Run: Set indicator
Execute the report.
Hint: If the “Limitation online” message appears, choose
“Yes” to continue processing.
Once you have checked the report, return to the main menu.

Task 2:
Process an unplanned depreciation run for the current period in your company
code. Check the effects of this closing process on your financial statements from
the general ledger.
1. Use the report variant VAR## that you created earlier to check the financial
statements (RFBILA00) before posting depreciation. At this point in time,
you will see the asset acquisition value only.
a) Call up the report (RFBILA00)
Menu path for report:
Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting →
General Ledger → Balance Sheet
Select a variant:
Goto → Variants → Get... . Enter VAR##.
Choose Execute to select the variant.
Execute the report.
After you have checked the report, return to the Balance Sheet/P+L
Statement screen.

In a second session, execute an unplanned depreciation posting run for your
company code AC## for the current period. Execute the update run (deselect
the Test Run indicator). Use printer LP01.
Hint: Remember that you have to execute a depreciation posting run
in the background. Choose Immediate Processing.
a) Execute an unplanned depreciation posting run
Hint: Remember that you must execute a depreciation posting
run in the background.
Choose Immediate Processing.
Menu path to create a new session:
System – Create Session
Menu path for the depreciation program:
Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Periodic
Processing → Depreciation Run → Execute
Enter the following data:
Company Code: AC##
Fiscal Year: Current year
Posting Period: Current period
Select Unplanned Posting Run. Deselect the Test Run indicator.
Choose Program → Execute in Background.
Enter LP01 as the output device.
Choose Enter.
Choose start time: Immediate.

Now take a look at the log and the documents for the depreciation run in
your company code AC## for the current period.
a) Menu path for the log:
Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Periodic
Processing → Depreciation Run → Display Log
Enter the following data:
Company Code: AC##
Fiscal Year: Current fiscal year
Posting period: Current period
Set the List Assets indicator.
When the assets have been listed, double-click on Document Number
to branch to the accounting document (documents in Accounting).
Take a look at the accounting document and then go back to the main
Asset Accounting menu.
4. You use the Asset Explorer to check the depreciation (under Posted Values)
for the depreciation areas 01 (book depreciation) and 20 (cost accounting
a) Menu path for the Asset Explorer:
Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Asset →
Asset Explorer
Enter the following data:
Company Code: AC##
Asset: TACMACH##
Fiscal year: Current fiscal year
For this asset, choose the depreciation area 01 book depreciation and
go to the Posted Values tab page to display the depreciation amounts.
Repeat this step for depreciation area 20, cost accounting depreciation.
5. Return to your original session to recreate the financial statements. Now
you will see the depreciation posting in the balance sheet (accumulated
depreciation) and in the P&L (ordinary depreciation).
a) Create financial statements (RFBILA00)
Execute the report again from the Balance Sheet/P+L Statement screen.

Task 3:
Answer the following questions about year-end closing activities in Asset
1. Name the year-end activity that has to be performed within FI-AA in order
to be able to post to asset accounts in the new fiscal year. When should
this activity be performed?
a) Questions on the year-end closing activities in Asset Accounting
Name the year-end activity that has to be performed within FI-AA in
order to be able to post to asset accounts in the new fiscal year. When
should this activity be performed?
The fiscal year change program displays fields for entering a new
annual value for each asset. The earliest you can start this program
is in the last posting period of the 'old' year.
2. Name the checks that are performed before the previous year is closed with
the year-end closing program in Asset Accounting.
a) The check report for year-end closing checks:
• Whether all the assets accrued in the fiscal year have been
• Whether the fiscal year change has been completed for all assets
• Whether depreciation was fully posted
• Whether errors exist (such as an incorrectly defined depreciation
key for the depreciation calculation)
• Whether the asset balances from depreciation areas for periodic
posting have been posted in full to the general ledger.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

FICO Certification topics

Identify where in the system you execute the financial statement program
• Describe the purpose of the financial statement version
• Create, change, and display financial statement versions
• Create financial statements using a drilldown report

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fixed and Current Assets FICO Certification material

Outline the impact of posting book and tax depreciation within Asset
Accounting on periodic closing activities within General Ledger Accounting.
• Explain how the physical inventory procedure can lead to a G/L posting
• Describe the monthly maintenance of the GR/IR clearing account in MM
• Carry out the analysis of the GR/IR account for year-end closing
• Identify the various year-end valuation methods for work in process and for
material that is procured internally and externally

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Drilldown Reporting Solutions

Create a new session.
1. Create financial statements using the Actual/Actual Comparison for Year
drilldown report. Run the report for your company code AC## and the
current fiscal year. Use the financial statement version that you created
(FS##). Within the output list of the report, drill down to the line items
which make up the account “Salaries”.
a) Call up drilldown report
Menu path to create a new session:
System → Create Session
Menu path for the report: Accounting → Financial Accounting →
General Ledger → Information System → General Ledger Reports →
Balance Sheet/ Profit and Loss Statement / Cash Flow → General →
Actual/Actual Comparisons→ Actual/Actual Comparison for Year
Enter the following data:
Company Code: AC##
FIS Annual Rep.Struc: FS##
Fiscal Year: Current year
Execute the report.
Expand the profit and loss statement by clicking the “+” to the left of
the Profit and loss statement line.
Continue to expand the following:
+ Staff costs
+ Wages and salaries
+ Salaries
+ Salaries
→ Salaries
Place the cursor on the selected row in the column for the current
fiscal year.
Choose Goto → Line Items
Check the line items for this account.

(Optional) Display the line items by double-clicking them. In the
document display, choose the Document Overview icon to view the
other line items for this document.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drilldown Reporting

Business Example
The cross-application drilldown reporting function can also be used to create
financial statements. You will run a delivered balance sheet/profit and loss report
to explore the features provided by this reporting tool.

Create a new session.
1. Create financial statements using the Actual/Actual Comparison for Year
drilldown report. Run the report for your company code AC## and the
current fiscal year. Use the financial statement version that you created
(FS##). Within the output list of the report, drill down to the line items
which make up the account “Salaries”.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Creating Financial Statements Task 3

Carry out the following task.
1. Create financial statements (report RFBILA00) for company code AC## for
the current period to test your new financial statement version FS##. Also,
create a report variant to simplify reporting in subsequent exercises. Assign
the variant name VAR## and the description “CoCode AC## current period”.
a) Test financial statements (RFBILA00) and create variant
Menu path for report:
Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting →
General Ledger → Balance Sheet
Enter the following data:
Company code: AC##
Tab page: Further Selections
Financial Statement Version:FS##
Reporting year: Current year
Reporting Periods: From current period to current period
Choose Goto → Variants → Save As Variant...…
Enter the following data:
Variant name: VAR##
Description: CoCode AC## current period
Execute the report.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Creating Financial Statements Task 2 step3

Reassign your financial statement items under “Staff costs” by moving your
new item 3063000 to the end.
a) Reassign items
On the Change Financial Statement Version screen:
Place your cursor on item 3063000.
Choose Edit → Select +/-
(Item is highlighted)
Place the cursor on the target item, 3062000.
Choose Edit → Reassign +/-
Confirm the “Same Level” setting.
Choose Enter.
(Item is moved)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Creating Financial Statements Task 2 step2

Check whether all the G/L accounts in your chart of accounts and company
code have been correctly assigned to the financial statement items in your
financial statement version.
a) Check the assignment of accounts
Choose Fin. Statement Items.
Choose Structure → Check.
Enter your company code (AC##) and set only the Nonassigned
Accounts Fr.Chart of Accts From Company Code indicator.
Choose Enter.
Once you have finished viewing the unassigned accounts, choose Enter
to close the dialog box and continue with the next exercise.
3. Create your own profit and loss item 3063000, Employee Training and
Education, under the “Staff costs” item.
a) Create profit and loss statement items
On the Change Financial Statement Version screen:
Drill down by clicking the folder to the left of the item “Profit and
loss statement”.
Place your cursor on the “Staff costs” item and choose Create Items.
Enter 3063000 as the item number and “Employee Training and
Education” as the description.
Choose Enter to add the new item to the structure.
4. Assign the account 476400, Training costs, to the new item “Employee
Training and Education”. The account will appear in this item whether it
has a debit or credit balance.
a) Assign account
On the Change Financial Statement Version screen:
Place the cursor on the “Employee Training and Education” item and
choose Assign Accounts.
Enter 476400 in the 'From act' column and set both the debit balance
(D) and credit (C) balance indicators.
Choose Enter.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Creating Financial Statements Task 2

Task 2:
Create your own financial statement version FS## by copying and modifying an
existing version.
1. Copy the financial statement version INT to create your own version FS##
and add as a description Financial Statement Version ##. Use the language
of the country where the course is taking place as the maintenance language.
a) Create the financial statement version
Copy financial statement version INT.
Menu path to configure financial statement version:
Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project → SAP Reference
IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting →
Business Transactions → Closing → Document → Define Financial
Statement Versions
Select the row for financial statement version INT.
Edit → Copy as…
Enter the key FS## and the name Financial Statement Version ##.
Choose Enter.
Double-click the financial statement version you have just created
(FS##) to check the maintenance language.
If necessary, change this to the language of the country in which the
course is being held.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Creating Financial Statements

Task 1:
Carry out the following task.
1. Create financial statements (report RFBILA00) for your company code
AC## for the current period and fiscal year. Use the existing financial
statement version INT and the ALV tree control list output.
a) Create the financial statements (RFBILA00)
Menu path for report:
Information Systems → Accounting → Financial Accounting →
General Ledger → Balance Sheet
Enter the following data:
Company code: AC##
Tab page: Further selections
Financial statement version: INT
Reporting year: Current year
Reporting periods: From current period to current period
List output: ALV Tree Control
Execute the report.

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